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Why The MTA

It was our observations throughout years of experience doing work for heavy construction in New York City, we notice that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority ("MTA") operating agencies like bridges and tunnels, construction and development, Long Island railroad, Metro-north railroad, MTA Bus company, and New York City transit demand a high level of quality during all phases of construction. We exist to help you ("The Client") to meet the needs of your customers and other stakeholders more efficiently and effectively. 

What we do
Quality Management Consultancy  
Flexible terms and contract 

1. Project Submittal Management and Document Control

2. Receiving, Handling, Storage and Control of Materials and Equipment 

3. Subcontractor and Supplier Control 

4. Creation of Inspection and Test (I&T) 

5. 3 Phases Control of Construction Processes 

6. Control of Measuring and Testing Equipment 

7. Control of Nonconforming Conditions, Corrective and Preventive Action 

8. Quality Records and Documentation

9. External and Internal Audits 

10. Training Programs 

11. Statistical Analysis

12. Design Process Control During Construction

13. Management of CxP Commissiong 

14. Coordination and handling of Special Inspection Agency (SIA), Per The New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (the “Uniform Code”) 2015 IBC 


Future Quality Management Consultancies for: 

MTA bridges and tunnels

MTA Long Island railroad

MTA Metro-north railroad

MTA Bus company

New York City Transit 

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